So I entered this Wonder Woman Wardrobe War contest over at Project Rooftop (partly because Joe was doing it...good ol' peer pressure!). Aside from owning Wonder Woman undies when I was younger and watching the Justice League cartoon, I didn't have any attachments to her character. This was probably a good thing, since the focus would be on her costume and not her character. Unable to ignore the weirdness of the lasso (in comparison with the rest of her get-up), I picked a Western-style and ran with it. Since her costume is already über-American (red, white, and blue with stars...), why not go casual with blue jeans? Needless to say, I had a lot of fun with this. Oh yeah, and I couldn't resist once I had the image of the invisible horse in my head. Thanks to everyone over at PR!
I think that you should continue with other notable DC characters. Or other female characters. Really anything because WW is cool and more is better.
Yours was my fav design by far!
<3 <3
thanks! both of you! maybe I will whip up some more...
I smile every time I see this drawing. A common response to Project Rooftop designs is "DC should totally do this!", but, really, DC should totally do this.
Also, it's subtle, but the coloring is really nice on this piece. You're buidling up some Photoshop muskles, aren't you?
That's super duper cool. I like the invisible horse, it's perfect.
In reference to Joel's comment, this reminds me of something DC will be doing very soon: Tiny Titans.
They won't have Cowboy Wonder Woman, though.
this is is one of those drawings that i like more and more with subsequent viewings. each time i pick up new details that speak highly of the thought and craftsmanship you put into it. i fully support the idea of continuing with the theme!
Gotta agree. Both the wife and I love your WW the best. Good job on that.
And while I think it is cool to play in DC's sandbox if you will, keep playing in your own sandbox, too. I find that sand oh so much finer.
Thanks again everyone! I would like to add that I exercising my muskles to build my own really big sandcastle. With flags that I made from toothpicks and napkins. And maybe cannons.
Loved, loved, loved this design concept. The invisible horse!
Just saw your design on Project Rooftop, and thought it was outstanding. Very well done. I'm enjoying looking at the rest of the art on your site, too.
--Michael Powell
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