Our Fistacuffs team revealed:
Team When Nature Calls You Out
Mic Mollusk: Liz Prince
You want S'more?: me
Peter Sock 'em Tail: Evan Larson
We fought the good fight, but came out on the bottom. Good luck to those continuing on, and good game to those in our boat.
Wotta team!
Hey Maris, how do your mad coloring skillz keep getting BETTER and BETTER?! Keep up the awesome work...
It was an honor to be on the battlefield with you guys. Great team! Love your blog too.
I was sad when your team went down. I was really rooting for "You want S'more?"
Thanks every body! I'm still working hard at improving my "mad coloring skillz"...I can't believe how good of friends I've become with the Photoshop (we actually used to hate each other a few years back).
And, I love Fist-a-Cuffs! It's so much fun; I love seeing everyone's fighters. You Want S'More was actually based on my many experiences as a camp counselor...
Now that you're even better buds with PS, that means that coloring tutorial you're going to get around to doing some day is going to be even sweeter.
Did you actually have multi-pronged sticks with all the marshmallows on fire then? I really think burning them is the best method if you don't have a lot of time. =] or possibly to keep rowdy campers in line? ;]
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