I know what you're thinking ("That last one was a dolphin, Maris!"), but dolphins are part of the toothed whale group (think Orcas and Sperm Whales, and also that Pilot Whale up there...). The first one - the Minke (pronouced "minkee") Whale - is a baleen whale. The smallest of the baleen whales, in fact, weighing in at a whopping 4-6 tons and growing up to 30 feet in length (hot dog!). I got to draw these for an educational kit at work (they will soon be colored by many small children in New England), but I'm also planning to render the originals in pencil similar to the dreaded "blog-wave" that washed over me earlier this month.
On a side note, there seems to have been a lack of color on this bolg as of late. I'm working on that, and hopefully a broader palette will be returning shortly.
Nice whales.
Thanks! I loves me some marine mammals...
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