Step 1.) STANDING DESK. That's right, I stand up and work. And I love it. No more backache or crappy posture from working in front of a computer for 10-12 hours a day.
Step 2.) GOOD OLD-FASHIONED EXERCISE. I will be the first to admit that I have a really hard time being consistent with things (long-time readers of this blog will agree). Daily exercise is a chore, and between paying bills and cleaning and cooking, I don't really like to subscribe to additional "adult" responsibilities...but, with the persuasion of Liz Prince, Joe and I started the INSANITY WORKOUT (when you read that out-loud, it should sound all epic and reverb-y). You may have seen the late night infomercials advertising fitness guru Shaun-T's "Insanity Workout", or his classic "Hip Hop Abs". Well, I totally dig it (oh, and while we're on the subject of late night infomercials, the Magic Bullet Blender is pretty rad too).
Liz, Joe and I have been working out 5-6 days a week since late November, and aside from the occasional soreness, I feel great. Like I want to Hulk-out all the time. It's awesome. The best part is that it's FUN. When you workout and can laugh at all the silly crap you're doing (see images below), it makes it rather enjoyable. Ok. That's enough about that. If you really want to read more about our experience, you can check out this blog. And now, here's me sweatin' and lookin' silly:

Oh dear GOD as SOON as I saw this comic I thought that you were doing that INSANITY exercise!
Hahahaaaaaaaa I'm so ashamed to say I could not keep that up...
Good luck to you!! And their diet is INSANE as well.
I should have mentioned...I DID NOT follow the diet part. But I'm still doing insanity 5 days a week, and some times I throw in a little "Hip Hop Abs"!
Haha, yes, Insanity! Got to love it...and Shaun T's obsession with Tanya.
Standing while working – that’s in fact a good idea! If you don’t wanna worry ‘bout your posture on work, then stand, move and work it out. You really have been taking full advantage of working at home. That’s great!
The soreness after an 'insane' workout is like an awesome version of pain. You know you're tired, but you're somewhat restless. Hehehe. Yep, staying fit in a computer-intensive job is quite a challenge. You must make sure that your bum won't get too big, and that your back has all the support it needs. :)
Sometimes, the craziest things you do are the most enjoyable moments you’ll have in your life. No matter how insane the workouts may seem, the important thing is you’re having fun. It will certainly help you enjoy the pleasurable pain of living a healthy life. Have a superb one, Maris! =)
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