Intertubes, meet Biggs "Bear" Darklighter. He is a formidable 16 pounds of feline. And we love him so much. Do not worry; he is on a diet.
I have drawn him a bunch (we've had him for almost a month):

I have so much to catch up on, I'm going to update every day (or every other day) for the next week or so. So this is all you get (for right now). Cattitude!!
Congrats on the new addition to your family!
Cats are just the damn best :D
That cat is adorable and so is the 'fan art'. :) Love fat cats.
Oh, he's a handsome one, isn't he? One day he'll be first mate on the Rand Ecliptic.
Thanks everyone! I love being a kitty owner. I have to admit, we were real close to naming him "Porkins".
Aw... fatty boombalatty!
He looks happy. I'm glad.
Bring on the art!
Thanks ladies!
There will most definitely be more art and even more cat pictures.
Yea Maris returns!
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