I had to add this one. I had it half done as of this morning, but I finally sat down and "finished" it (the sketch part that is).
Side note: I had three days off from my fishy job (which is going swimmingly, might I add), and I spent it inside my apartment...working. It was pretty treacherous, considering how AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL it was outside today (to be fair, I took a half-hour walk to get some fresh air...and coffee). Given my commitment to the indoors, I've been playing music non-stop. I don't usually do this, but for fun, I'm going to post what I've been listening to:
The Arcade Fire - Funeral
Beirut - Gulag Orkestar and some EP
Islands - Arm's Way (not sure how I feel about this album...it just came out)
Sunny Day Real Estate - Diary
Weezer - this random CD of unreleased/b-sides I unearthed whilst cleaning...with songs so good they make me want to poop my pants...er, in a good way ::ahem:: )
The Stereo - Three Hundred (guilty pleasure ::drool:: )
Smog - a bunch of stuff from random albums...thank you Ann and Evan
Jonathan Richman - Best of Jonathan Richman
The Alkaline Trio - I Lied My Face Off EP, Goddammit! (that last one was an album, not me cursing)
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Broom (just bought this, and I like it)
Nada Surf - The Weight is a Gift
The Blow - Paper Television (also just got this, and it has definitely grown on me...OMG I heart the "Parentheses" song)
The Magnetic Fields - I
Currently: Islands...again (giving another go - still not sure about it...it's kind of like a rock musical, and I generally like albums that sound like rock musicals, but...I dunno)
Random, I know. I always like to read about what people listen to when they work. So there's my 2 cents.
I'm on the fence with the Island's album too. I miss the nonchalant, fun pop stuff more.
I still need to give it another try too.
agreed. still giving it more tries...but wanting to listen to the old album, which makes me want to listen to the unicorns...trickle-down music!
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