So that title doesn't have much to do with this comic, except that they are somewhat about frogs. For the those of you who have no idea what a "peeper" is, it's a little tiny frog that makes a very loud "PEEP" over and over again (or you can
Wiki-it-up; scroll down and you can even play an audio file for FULL-PEEPING-EFFECT!). Peepers sing their mighty chorus around dusk and often into the night. As far as I know, they are a New England occurance; I grew up with them in my backyard in Massachusetts, and now they're out in full effect up here in Maine.
The following comics have appeared (in full form) in a publication called
Backward City Review (you can see the full comic
here) . It's a collection of short stories, essays, comics, poems and art that comes out twice a year. Enjoy.

peepers live in my backyard in the summer. they annoy my parents to death. =]
Hey, we were just speaking of peepers.
Do you have bullfrogs up there?
word to your peepers.
Yes, indeed we do, although I haven't heard them yet this year.
(Extra Informational Tidbit: I have actually tasted bullfrog...and I am ashamed.)
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