O.K. I've been checking out Project:Rooftop, and all their nifty superhero-costume re-designs, and I thought I'd give it a whirl myself. I wanted to give the DC character Black Canary a wardrobe makeover. I went the punk-rock route, and, well, there she is. She sings in a band. Make sure you bring earplugs.
I don't like it.
Wait for it...
You are completely my hero and enemy now.
I've been working on several different characters as a possibile entrant for PR at Joel's behest.
After seeing this though I feel both completely defeated as well as inspired.
that's good...I think?
I'm a heronemy. yay!
Yeah, I mean, really, is there any higher position one can strive for?
Also, do you think there is any way I could persuade you to draw something for me sometime?
I mean, I even have this bag of money I could give you.
Sure thang. Drop me a line at ye old e-mail:
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