Note my preparedness; overalls, bandana, determined look...But alas, after over 15 hours of painting within a span of a day and a half, I looked like this:

Thankfully, the apartment looks a heck of a lot better than I do. Mad props to Ann and Liz for helping me tackle the hallway and bathroom.
Hi! Like the blog. Good idea those 100 themes. Keeps you posting regularly.
Thanks! I try and post everyday, but I'm a little weary about the themes ending. I've got to figure out something to do next...hmmmm...
Well, you're posting a lot, i guess you'll do fine even without them.
Just wait till this weekend, when "the Move" happens...I'm hoping I'll get the internet hooked as soon as I'm settled. Cross your fingers for no technical difficulties!
Why are you moving out of the woods for, anyway?
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