Friday, June 21, 2013

A hoot, a hello, and a big THANK YOU!

It's been almost two weeks since Primates came out, and what a wild two weeks it has been!

A HUGE gorilla-sized thank you to all the incredible folks at Heroes Con, Brookline Booksmith and Hub Comics...and everyone who has bought, borrowed or read Primates so far!

An orangutan hug to all the bookstores, comic book stores, libraries, bloggers, journalists and everyone one else who has helped to get the word out about Primates.

Here's a little media round-up:
Largehearted Boy
Dear Teen Me
LA Times

A chimp salute to all my friends, neighbors, family and co-workers for their ongoing support. You guys and gals are the best!

And a Great Ape applause for Jim and all the wonderful folks at First Second Books!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Read the copy you gave out at TCAF and it was amazing! Totally deserve it!