OK. I know that I've been a little (A LITTLE?!) lackadaisical with the posts. I've actually been drawing up a storm, and working a lot (at the new job). I'm not going to say where my new place of work is, but let's just say that I will be posting lots and lots of sketches based on some of the critters I get to chill with. I'm also trying to get out a new batch of promotional postcards of my work, and make some new mini-comics for all the various conventions this spring. In short, I've neglected the bolg, but not the content. (I'M SO SO SORRY) So, without further ado, let the torrential posting begin!

(That's the giant wave of posts. It's a good thing I know how to swim.)
And, I will be finishing the themes. Promise.
thats bloody wicked
"critters I get to chill with"
Are you working in Antarctica with penguins??
I wish. I'm still in New England (though it has felt like Antarctica as of late), but I do get to chill with penguins, and a whole bunch of other aquatic critters. I totally heart my new job!
awesome drawing
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