Sunday, April 22, 2007

Theme number 70.


Kurvz said...

Welcome back! I hope the weather didn't completely ruin your trip.

Pulpatooner said...

I like the little eyes, still in the cup.

Welcome back! And a hearty congratulations on winning the FACA East Conference Championship! It is an honor to bow down before so noble a combatant.

maris wicks said...

No bowing! I was hoping that X-Ray-Ray and the God of Scissors could enjoy their budding friendship. That was such a close match...why can't we just fight as one big team, like a happy fighting family that's on fire and with sharp edges?

Thanks again for introducing me to the Fist-a-Cuffs site; I'm really starting to enjoy this who online art community thingie. Yeah!

maris wicks said...

to kurvz:
Not completely...I don't mind a little unstable weather every now and then (as long as no one gets hurt!).

Pulpatooner said...


X-Ray-Ray + God of Scissors = BFF?
I think I smell a buddy-cop comic in the works! G 'o S is an old school cop two days away from retirement. Ray-Ray is the rookie full of fresh ideas... and a secret! Together they must:
1) Save the princess;
2) Stop the Vicious Lemmings from taking over City Hall;
3) Make it to G 'o S's nephew's Bar Mitzvah on time!

Guest starring Flaming Granny as The Chief and Tree-Man as "SugarBaby!"

maris wicks said...

I could kind of go for watching that movie. right now.