That pretty much sums up how I feel about moving. In reality, I have all my limbs, and I've only ever lived in New England, but finding that sense of "home" takes time and effort (even if you're just moving to the next state over). As of right now, home is where the cat is...

awesome comic! and that cat is very cute
Cats are good for home making, or maybe just making homes hairy.
I relate big time. Lately I have been saying to myself, over and over again, "I want to go home (where ever that is.)"
I read your zine EVERYBODY HAS ONE at the Salt Lake City Library today- what a hoot! I am new to blogger.
Write on!
i think i know what you mean. i am 20 years old now and i have lived in more houses than i have lived years!
cats do help though :)
I love this comic! It has a great somber tone to it, but it remains playful in the art...love that contrast. IMPRESSIVE AS ALWAYS, MISS WICKS!
Coooll ~
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