And here's what Number 17 looked like in real life:

I'm a total LOLrus!!
I don't think I'll ever get in the paper for anything comics-related...that's ok though. Not many people can say they made the front page of the Metro section as a GIANT YELLOW WALRUS USING A SEWING MACHINE!!
I also saw perfect snowflakes!
And slept and farted. I was not in the Boston Globe with a yellow walrus hat.
I also saw those perfect snowflakes in Vermont! It must be the Perfect Snowflake State. I have yet to witness them in Boston, but I'm sure it's due to temperature. I would have to say that perfect snowflakes make sub-zero temps worth it.
Yay new comics! Keep them coming!
I can't believe watching me get tattooed didn't make it onto the list of 23 things you've done. srsly.
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